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Two Children in One Bedroom

Child psychologists and parents agree that it is best for each child to grow up and develop in their own room, but sometimes the economic situations or other circumstances have two children share a room.

Are you wondering what you can do to make the room sharing smooth? The following article will look very interesting to you. 

Children Room Sharing – Plus and Minus

In reality, the room sharing is not destructive for the personality or the development of children – it is just not an optimal situation.  In fact, it can equip them with attributes and skills that would otherwise learn later in their life.

They will learn to share the personal space, focus and relax even when there is someone else in the room and they will also learn to respect other family members’ boundaries.

These will be shaped by the daily friction and conflicts of the children’s personalities – especially while they are growing up and their needs are changing.

Yes room sharing is beneficial when everyone, especially parents, find a way to manage it properly.

Usual Problems & their Solutions

Usually, the problems start with sleep time, as the likely different ages of the siblings imply different sleeping times. The difficulties arise when the younger one needs to be convinced to sleep earlier than the older one.

The solution is your stability as a parent. You will need to be reasonable in setting the sleeping time for each child and adjust it to their ages and needs. Your children will need to understand that once a limit is set, you mean it and no matter how much they grumble, cry, threaten and frown the limits will be kept.

This of course means that both parents should have the same mindset on a specific matter and should not disagree about it in front of their children. 

There is also the matter of personal space. It is vital for each child to have an exclusive space in the room⋅ their sanctuary, their “sacred” space which should not be violated by their sibling. In this way the children will learn to respect one another, the principle of privacy and to feel safe and comfortable in their room.

Again, your own stability will help your children to understand these. There should be some form of reasonable education for the child who violates the privacy of the other, respective on their age and the type of violation (whether it was done deliberately, etc.).  

A proper room arrangement can significantly assist in this. Each child should have a side of the room to call their own and to be arranged for each child’s age and needs.

The combination of these two “worlds” should be stylish and functional. LIFETIMEKIDSROOMS has designed rooms which combine children furniture and blend harmoniously in room sharing. LIFETIMEKIDSOOMS’s furniture “grow up” with each child providing an economical solution and functionality.

The personality of each child also affects their “cohabitation” in aspects such as cleaning, organizing their space, playing, inviting friends, etc… Often older children impose their own preferences on younger ones, but you should set the rules and make sure that neither of the two children feels wronged with your decisions.

The room sharing can be successful and also better equip them for their future. Do your own part and be certain that they, sooner or later, will also do theirs!

Have a look here for children furniture and rooms for children of all ages!