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How your Child’s Personality and Development is Affected by their Room

Parents often forget the importance a child’s personal space has in their development and personality.

Obviously, this does not apply to you. You understand that it is important for your little angel to have their own personal space, shaped in harmony with their needs and wants.

This article is written to help you better understand the importance of a child’s room to a child’s development and how you can contribute to it in the best possible way.  

Why it is Important

  • Children needs their own personal space in their home, where they will have their personal belongings. In this way they realize that they have a distinct existence within the family, in which they are also a part of, but at the same time they are unique and precious. This is also the reason why pediatricians and child psychologists recommend parents not to teach their child to sleep with them in their bedroom.
  • Children needs to feel a personal space as their resort, where they can cool off, rest and express themselves. This need, though more distinct in puberty, is actually inherent from a much younger age.
  • The child needs some hours of being alone not only for studying and playing, but also for sleeping and relaxing.
  • A whole personal space will teach the children how, apart from rights, they have responsibilities and obligations. It should take responsibility for keeping it organized and clean, and arranging it. Therefore, they will learn the importance of responsibility and diligence.
  • Children with separate rooms are more likely to maintain better relationships, and to fight far less.

How the Room’s Decoration Affects Your Child’s Personality

Let’s see how you can decorate your child’s room in a way which will positively affect their development:

  • Select happy colours but not overly bright colours – unless they concern specific details in the room. Bright colors tire the mind and do not help the child relax and calm down.
  • It is important for their room to reflect their own likes and dislikes, as well as their own taste. If they do not feel comfortable in their room, they will not want to spend much time on their own for playing or for studying. If you intend to select a specific theme for your child’s room, do not exclude it from the process. Instead, ask for it and take it seriously.
  • Beware, however, of excesses. It is important to respect your own leadership and desires. Therefore, a balance is needed from your part. Let yourself choose the theme and some basic elements (such as color), but if you feel that something is inappropriate or compromises your child’s safety, do not hesitate to say no.
  • Do not use their room for your own work or as storage.
  • Ensure that there is a specific and stable study space in the room, organized to facilitate the child’s studying and make the most of their time. If two children are sharing the room, it is a good idea for everyone to have their own study desk.
  • Ensure that there is adequate lighting, both natural and artificial.
  • Ensure that the furniture in the room is safe for playing and also useful for the child. By far the best choice is children’s furniture designed to “develop” with the child, being not only durable, but also adaptable to the child’s needs as they move towards adulthood.

LIFETIMEKidrooms has incorporated all these principles and needs into every child’s room.

Have a look at our new collection and save up to 25%!