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Back to School: Everything you need to know to prepare your child for their daily school routine

September is knocking on our door and a new school year awaits our little ones and the whole experience awakens in them many feelings! How about we help them to adjust easier in their new daily routine?

Familiarize the Child with the School Space

Children usually get nervous in new environments, especially without you. Take a stroll with them at the facilities of their new school a few days before school starts!

You can even familiarize the child with the school as well as with the route that they will follow every day. Repeat it a couple of times and convert it to a game! For example, while you return home you can ask them: “Which turn brings us to our neighbourhood?” Or, when you are at the school, ask them to show you where the toilet or the principal’s office is.

Meet the Teacher

Another smart idea that will make them feel more comfortable in the classroom and adjust faster is to get to know their teacher(s).

Set up a School Schedule even before school starts

Even though they do not express it, little children secretly seek a program in their life. It makes them feel safe and certain in their everyday life.

So a good idea is to put your child on a school schedule several days before they actually start their school year! Make sure they sleep and wake up in the corresponding hours of a school day, to spend a few hours revising the previous school year, as well as arranging their books and school gear.

In this way, the child will easily adapt to their school reality, and you will have less stress and pressure at the beginning of the school year as most things and obligations will already be put into motion.

Get all the essential School equipment

While it is important to purchase the relevant equipment before starting the courses, do not overdo it. Teachers often ask for specific things from children, such as notebooks with a specified number of sheets, blocks, etc. so it may be better to get the relevant catalog before you go shopping. Often, the items needed are far less than what you would buy on your own!

Do not forget to tag their school supplies, such as their bag and pencil case, as it’s easy to get mixed up in the first few days!

Prepare a Pleasant Study Area

It is very important to create a pleasant study space for the child, where they will calm down, relax and be able to devote themselves to their homework and enjoy their playtime as well. It has been shown that the more pleasant the room and the study area, the more likely a child is to love studying and reading.

Have a look at our new LIFETIMEKIDSROOMS bedroom and furniture collection and explore the perfect options for your child’s progress through the school year!