We celebrate our 50 years with a FREE Mattress worth €457.00!

Buy your very own LIFETIME KIDSROOMS bed and get the mattress for free! ????
Terms and Conditions:
- The offer is valid from October 10th to November 10th, 2022.
- The offer is valid for orders with a final total value of €1,095.00.
- For the free mattress offer to apply, the order must also include a LIFETIME KIDSROOMS bed.
- The free mattress has a value of the 5 zone 90×200 mattress (€457.00).
- The offer is valid for purchases in all Greece’s stores and on our website, www.lifetimekidsrooms.gr.
For information and immediate assistance:
???? Kifisia – 21 0672 9011 – Glyfada – 21 0898 1841
Kifisia: 279 Kifisia Avenue, 14561 Attica
Glyfada: 40 Kiprou, 16675 Glyfada